3 min read
The Latest News on OneDrive for Business from YamJam Review
By Nathan Taylor on Jul 13, 2015 2:16:29 PM
Topics: Company News Technology

I checked out the OneDrive for Business YamJam today and came away with a few resources.
- The consistent answer from users and Microsofties alike was that the current Sync client is broke and the solution is to wait for the next one in Q4. (also supposedly the File limit on the Q4 client is 50,000 files instead of 20,000)
- They are thankfully removing the “Shared with Everyone” folder on any new users.
- Here’s the video from Ignite that covers the roadmap: https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Ignite/2015/BRK4110
- Here’s an article about fixing sync issues: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Fix-OneDrive-for-Business-sync-problems-e12c6a8b-4bbe-4391-9c23-1a52b55a1967?CorrelationId=345102ca-8971-4be5-af41-94baabe1c01e&ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US
- Another article that breaks down how using OneDrive for business doesn’t make sense for shared files: http://en.share-gate.com/blog/you-should-not-be-migrating-to-onedrive-for-business
- Backing up data from deleted OneDrive for Business Users is a problem. Here’s an article about that issue: https://blog.bittitan.com/2015/04/02/how-to-deal-with-terminated-users-in-onedrive-for-business/
- I also learned yesterday how to access user’s OneDrive for Business folders as an admin: https://community.office365.com/en-us/f/154/t/23236
As an admin user, you can manage the storage limits for your users. To manage your user's storage limits, you can click SharePoint option under Admin and then click OneDrive for Business in the left panel, for your reference: Manage storage limits for OneDrive for Business libraries
Once your users click OneDrive on the top navigation, they will get taken to their personal OneDrive for Business library. As the other SharePoint Online document libraries, they can set permissions for the document library or set up Audience to protect the sensitive documents.
By default, each user is the owner of their personal OneDrive for Business library. However, as an admin user, you can set yourself as the administrator to your users' personal sites. You can sign in to SharePoint admin center (https://domain-admin.sharepoint.com) and then click user profiles in the left panel-> Type in the display name in the search box-> Click Manage site collection owners-> Add yourself to Site Collection Administrators.
After that, you can manage personal OneDrive for Business libraries for your users.
Regarding reporting feature, you can click OneDrive on the top navigation and click gear (Settings) button on the upper right corner-> Click Site settings. Then you will get taken to the site settings page, click Site collection audit settings under Site Collection Administration to configure Audit Settings for this site. For more detailed information, you can refer to: Configure audit settings for a site collection
I understand it makes your feel confusion for that there is no central admin center for OneDrive for Business. Please understand OneDrive for Business is just a personal library in user's personal site. Therefore, as a part of SharePoint Online service, most features mentioned in this website are required to configured in the site settings page or library settings page.